The Whole Knit & Caboodle

Barely coherent ramblings of a yarn-obsessed stay at home mom

Knittin’ Pretty

I thought I’d post a Christmas stocking I made this summer (yes, this customer was proactive!).  It was funny to be: a) Knitting while it was SO hot out and b) Doing Christmas orders so early but I was happy with how it turned out and the customer was SO pleased with it.  I even lined it so it wouldn’t get stretched out of shape over the years.  I may revisit this one when things slow down and make some for the fam 🙂

It was lots of work but so worth it!

It was lots of work but so worth it!

For anyone interested in this pattern, it’s a free pattern on the Bernat website.  It’s listed as an intermediate pattern which scared me a little bit (and I’ve never used so many colours at the same time!) but you never know you can do something unless you try, right? 😉

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