The Whole Knit & Caboodle

Barely coherent ramblings of a yarn-obsessed stay at home mom

Free Video Tutorial- Joining Amigurumi Pieces Using the Mattress Stitch

Hello friends!  It’s been a little while!  Things have been pretty busy here, we’ve been taking advantage of the heat and the sunshine and I’ve been hard at work on orders.  There’s no rest for the wicked, right?

I’ve recently had a few people ask how I join the pieces of my amis once I have them all stitched up.  I did a Google search to see if I could find an existing tutorial, but most of the tutorials I saw were for joining knitted panels for sweaters and afghan blocks.  I may have seen a tut on joining knitted ami pieces, but since most of the people who were asking me were crocheters I wanted to find something that showed how to attach crocheted pieces.

After coming up empty handed, I decided to make a tutorial of my own.

The mattress stitch (also known as the Ladder Stitch) is a great way to attach both stuffed pieces as well as flat panels for garments and afghans.  It is worked with right sides facing and every few stitches, you pull your working yarn and the stitches disappear!  When you’re making amis, pieces that were worked separately look like they were worked in one piece and when you’re joining pieces that were worked flat, you end up with a nice even seam.  Here’s how I attach ami pieces using the mattress stitch:

Pretty neat, right?  I debuted this video in a crochet group I belong to on Facebook.  A few of the ladies told me that they had been afraid of trying amigurumi because they were intimidated by the process of joining all the pieces, but that after watching this tutorial they felt they could do it!  I can’t wait to see what they come up with!

If you’re interested in seeing what the rest of Fabulous Mouse looks like, you can take a look here!