The Whole Knit & Caboodle

Barely coherent ramblings of a yarn-obsessed stay at home mom

My latest triumph!

You know, sometimes the projects you dread most are the ones you end up being most proud of.  I have so many orders lined up and a couple of them were for items I haven’t come up with patterns for.  When I first started making hats, I bought a lot of patterns.  As I grew to really understand my craft I started working out my own.  I still use the other patterns but it’s definitely a proud feeling when you come up with one of your own.

I had a couple of orders for Lightning McQueen hats and because I’m so busy I was going to buy a pattern.  I didn’t really see anything I was excited about so I bit the bullet and wrote my own pattern.  The notes I made are barely legible so I’ll have to type them out properly when things slow down a bit.  I’ll send it for testing and it should be for sale in my craftsy shop in the New Year.  I’m pretty happy with him, what do you think?


Awkward family photos?

I’m a little photo obsessed.  I’ll admit it.  When I had my daughter I had the chance to get her in for newborn photos and that was it- I was hooked.  We must have had her in for professional photos 5 or 6 times in her first year.  I’ve slowed down a little bit- I’ve only had her in for pro photos a few times this year- our latest session being today.

While I was cruising around Etsy a little while back I stumbled upon the cutest little vintage-inspired apron and thought to myself  “How cute would that be in a “baking cookies” themed photo session?”.  I couldn’t have been happier with it, I can’t wait to see the photos!

For the session we also had the option of doing an outfit change and ended up putting her in a black lace romper.  She was getting a little tired of being posed (AND she had taken a bite out of a good half dozen chocolate chip cookies I had brought for the shoot and might have had a bit of a sugar high).  She noticed a small bed in the studio that the photographer uses for little, little babies.  Well.  my girl decided that she wanted to lie in it.  “BED?  Bed?  Bed?” she asked.  We dragged it over and told her she could sit on it but that she was just too big to lie down on it… That did NOT stop her.  I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard.

The original plan was to get some sweet shots of her with a pretty sparkling light background but we had to bribe her with a cookie and appease her demand for the bed.  We had her sitting on it for a moment but she had it in her head that she had to lie on it.  You could see the cogs turning in her head as she contorted herself, trying to fit into the teeny bed.  What resulted was this ridiculous kind of giant-baby, tiny-bed pinup pose as she awkwardly balanced herself on her side with limbs jutting out in all directions- all while trying to stuff cookies into her mouth.

I would have loved to have some of those sweet angelic shots to send to friends and relatives but let’s face it- she’s MY kid and the apple doesn’t fall far from the awkwardly posing, cookie gorging tree.  At the very least I’ll have some good blackmail photos when she’s a teenager. 😉

Here are a couple of previews from yesterday!  Big thanks to Brynnstone Photography for capturing these moments for us!

Always the little ham! ❤

She will never live this one down.. hahaha

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Check it out!

Not too long ago I commissioned a very talented friend of mine to draw a picture for me to use on my blog and Facebook page.  I crochet more than I knit but because I’m “The Whole Knit and Caboodle” I asked him to draw me with knitting needles.  I’ve been aware of his talent for a long time now but I’m ALWAYS impressed with what he comes out with.  This one looks just like me!

Whoo! It’s me!

I showed it to one of my girlfriends and she suggested my husband get it as a tattoo.. his very own pinup girl!  He wasn’t so hot on the idea.  “Nothing a bottle of ether and a tattoo artist willing to work on an unconscious guy won’t fix!!” was my friend’s response.  Ha!  I love my friends.

Seriously though.  If you find yourself with an extra moment or two, head over and visit my friend David Cutler.  He’s amazingly talented and super funny (AND is taking commissions- you could have an awesome picture of your very own!!)

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Craft Show Update

My craft show today didn’t go as well as I’d hoped.  I was up until 4am this morning feverishly working on hats so I would have enough stock to bring with me and the only thing I sold was a pair of slippers.  To my father-in-law.  Haha.  Have I mentioned that I LOVE my inlaws?

Despite the lack of sales, it really wasn’t a bad day!  A wonderful friend of mine took the day off so she could help me out and keep me company, I had lots of visits from other friends, I bought a cute little belt for my daughter (for some reason pants don’t fit her properly in the waist and she ends up waddling around like a penguin with her pants halfway to the ground unless I hike them up every 15 seconds), cupcakes for my husband (which he so kindly shared with me, even though I told him he didn’t have to) and a microwaveable heating bag for myself (leopard print- how posh! haha).  The day ended with a trip to the mall to buy myself an Audrey Hepburn-esque dress and the cutest pair of shoes.

Another reason I can’t call the craft show a total bust is I ended up getting a ton of business from it.  I’ve had so many people visit my facebook page and/or place orders- I’m going to be a busy lady for a while!  I can usually get two or three hats done in a day so I don’t think I’ll have too much of a problem keeping up but this Christmas season is going to fly by.  Before I know it we’ll be into January and I’ll be wondering where November and December went!